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Habits for preventing infections and maintaining good health

Taking steps to boost your immune system against infections, disease, and all other health problems should be regarded as a priority, especially in today’s world. If you don’t learn how to minimise the risks, even a naturally robust immune system might not be able to cope with the barrage of threats to your health. But fret not, for we’ve prepared a guide of lifestyle habits that you can practice to keep yourself safe and healthy!

Without even realising it, people tend to fulfil a daily plethora of tasks without even thinking about them. But imagine what can happen if they start to practice positive habits and do away with the negative ones, without even realising that it involves a total change in routine. If we’ve got your interest piqued, read on to find out more!

Personal hygiene

Maintaining good personal hygiene is one of the most critical components as disease preventions and to avoid the risk of infection. That’s why it’s so important to make a habit out of washing your hands whenever possible, especially when you’re at work or after using public transportation. Touching doorknobs, rails, shaking hands - all of these actions come with their own individual health risks. But if you don’t wash your hands thereafter to minimise the risk of infection, you’re not doing yourself any real favours. It’s also good to remember that disease prevention and the preservation of immune system strength also involves the “little things”, such as cutting your nails. You wouldn’t believe how much of the nasty stuff can hide behind your nails, especially if they are left unkempt. Don’t let something so trivial endanger your immune system. And for Pete’s sake, please trim your nails whenever you need to!

Food hygiene

Picture this - throngs of people walking in and out of the shop every day, checking out or touching food products that you end up buying. Gross? Yeah, it is! Fortunately, no harm will be done, as long as you remember to handle these products right as soon as you return home from the shop. As food products can carry germs, you will need to wash both your hands, and your cooking surfaces after preparing them. Wash all produce as soon as you get home, especially fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind to cook meat at the right temperatures. If you’re planning to store leftovers, don’t leave them out in the open, refrigerate them! If you decide to eat at a restaurant or buy takeout, avoid places that don’t look hygienic, or choose trusted establishments only.

Father and her daughter preparing food together

Vaccines prevent infections

By the end of our childhood, the majority of us will most likely be vaccinated against a variety of diseases. What is important to remember, though, is that additional vaccinations - apart from the standard ones - are also available. A flu vaccines, for example, is optional, but needs to be taken regularly1, as viruses will most likely continue to change and evolve over time. Check your vaccination history to identify the vaccines that you have already taken, and the vaccines that you can consider getting in the near future.

Don’t help infections thrive

There are two most common mistakes people make when they are sick. They either stop taking their medications the moment they start to feel better, or they leave the confines of their houses. Both these behaviours are reckless. You should always finish prescribed medications and stay home until you are 100% healthy, even if you don’t feel sick. It is also recommended for you to maintain social distancing until you are sure that you have fully recovered. This is both for your own good, and the good of the people around you. Until you have fully recovered, you may have dormant viruses inside you, so don’t give these the opportunity to regain strength and don’t put others at risk of infection.

Incorporating these 5 simple practices can ensure that you will be at a lower risk of catching infections, and will save your body’s immune system from unnecessary stress!

How Vitamin and Minerals
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Your Immunity



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Build Your Immunity

Looking for ways to support your immunity?
Check out some of our articles on how to support your healthy immune system effectively.